2024-02-08 17:18:07 来源:秒词邦高考视频网 阅读:224








以梦为马 不负韶华







山东商报·速豹新闻网编辑 董雪

来源 极目新闻

On February 7, Zhang Nan, CEO of Tiktok Group, announced that he had resigned as CEO of the group and would focus on the development of the film in the future. Bytedance CEO Liang Rubo expressed his gratitude to Zhang Nan for her contributions and breakthroughs in leading the China information platform business in the past, and looked forward to her continuing efforts in her new position. It is reported that Zhang Nan will continue to report to Liang Rubo. Zhang Nan said in her personal circle of friends that 2024 is the tenth year that she has joined the company, and she hopes to toss some love things in the next decade and grow up with this AI era.

Screenshot of Zhang Nan's circle of friends

Zhang joined ByteDance in 2014 as an entrepreneur. In 2016, she led the team to launch products such as Tiktok from 0 to 1. In 2018, Douyin became one of the most popular short video products in China. In 2020, Zhang Nan became the CEO of Tik Tok Group.

People close to the film said that in the past year, Zhang Nan has tilted the vast majority of energy to the film-cutting related business, and personally led the team to seek a breakthrough in AI-assisted creation, and is about to launch an AI map and video products.

Public information shows that in the past three years, scissoring related products have developed rapidly, and by 2021, the monthly active users of Scissoring have exceeded 100 million, which is the largest mobile video editing product in China.

According to people close to the Tiktok Group said that as the various businesses mature, the company has no plans to set up a new CEO after Zhang Nan resigned, and the group's business will be responsible for Han Shangyou, the head of Tiktok novel and Zhang Chao, the head of today's headlines, the head of Tiktok e-commerce Wei Wenwen, the head of Tiktok life service Pu Yanshi, and the head of Tiktok advertising business Zhao Xiuying. Han Shangyou, as the president of Tiktok, will coordinate all the main businesses related to Tiktok.

Attached: Zhang Nan's circle of friends

Take dreams as horses and live up to their youth

2024 will certainly be an "interesting" year, and also the first small milestone (10 years) that I have crossed in Bytedance. I used to tell my team members that if there are 30,000 days in your life, you should cherish it, especially the 10,000 days in the middle. I am especially happy that the past 3578 days have experienced with you all kinds of wonderful moments in your life. Among them, all kinds of hardships and joys, only those who have struggled together can really understand, there are many, many gains and some regrets, but these are not important, the important thing is that the days passed together, it is these good times, gave me the courage to "restart" in place, which is my gift to myself in the next ten years, in the limited life, Play an infinite game, as the old saying goes, "Life should be able to pick up and put down", I feel that "only really put down, can go all out to start", here to thank myself, irresponsible, but also thank you, give me this opportunity to accompany me to toss.

Okay, that's it. Let's get down to business:

I am ready to take off my heavy responsibility "CEO of Tiktok Group", focus on starting from the "heart", and use the state of entrepreneurship to toss some things I love in the next ten years. Bytedance is the best platform, both dream and pragmatic romance, I am looking forward to making dreams with my friends, growing up with this era of AI, and drawing the fantasy world in my mind together.

Zhang Nan Kelly

February 7, 2024

Zhang Nan

Dong Xue, editor of Shandong Business Daily, Fast Leopard News Network

Source extreme news


  • 辞去 resign ; give up ; chuck up

  • 字节 byte ; syllable

  • 跳动 beat ; bounce ; jitter ; pulsate ; throb ; jig ; move up and down ; jitterbug

  • 再接再厉 make persistent efforts ; make additional efforts ; redouble sb.'s effort ; continue to exert oneself

  • 据悉 it is reported ; by report

  • 汇报 report ; review ; report back ; give an account of

  • 下一个 next ; the next one

  • 折腾 toss about ; squirm ; turn from side to side ; do sth.over and over again ; cause physical or mental suffering

  • 截图 to capture a screenshot ; screenshot ; screen capture

  • 创业者 pioneer ; entrepreneur


I am ready tounload my heavy responsibility "CEO (of Tiktok Group)", focus on starting [from the"heart"], and usethe 

state (of entrepreneurship) totoss [about some things (I love [in the next ten years])].


* am 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
* ready 为形容词作表语。
* to unload 为不定式,作状语。
* focus 为谓语。
* starting 为动名词,作介词宾语。
* use 为谓语。
* to toss 为不定式,作宾语补足语(或称复合宾语)。
* 第2个 I 开头为定语从句,引导词 that 被省略。
* love 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
* I 为人称代词主格。my 为形容词型物主代词。the 为定冠词。



be ready to do sth准备好做某事
focus on...1) (将注意力等)集中于...  2) (将光)聚焦于...


unload [,ʌn'lәud]vt. 1) 卸下(货物),取下  2) 取出, 退出(子弹或胶卷等)
heavy ['hevi]a. 1) 重, 沉重的  2) 大(雨,雪, 冰雹等)
responsibility [ri,spɔnsә'biliti]n. 1) 责任,负责  2) 事故责任
group [gru:p]n. 1) 组,团体,群,批  2) [商]集团
start [stɑ:t]vi. 1) 开始,着手,动手  2) 发生,开始进行
heart [hɑ:t]n. 1) 心脏  2) 内心,心肠
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
use [ju:z]vt. 1) 使用,利用,运用  2) 消耗
state [steit]n. 1) 状况,状态  2) (the States)美国  3) 州
toss [tɔs]vi. 1) 摇摆,挥动,颠簸  2) 掷硬币决定,掷币猜边儿
about [ә'baut]prep. 1) 关于, 有关(...的)  2) 在...附近  3) 在...各处
some [sʌm]a. 1) 一些  2) 某一, 某个
thing [θiŋ]n. 1) 东西,物  2) 物件,物品,事物
love [lʌv]vt. 1) 爱,热爱  2) 喜欢,喜爱
next ['nekst]a. 1) 下一个的, 紧接着的,接下来的  2) 紧随其后的,下一个的
ten [ten]num 
year [jiә]n. 1) 年  2) 一年时间


ByteDance is the best platform, (which has both dream and practical romance).


(has 为 have 的第三人称单数形式。best 为 good 的最高级形式)

* is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
* which 为关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句。
* has 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
* 句中含有 both...and... 并列结构,意为“……和……(两者)都”;“既...又...”。
* the 为定冠词。



both...and...(...和...两者)都, 既...又...


good [gud]a. 1) 好的,令人满意的  2) 优质的,符合标准的
platform ['plætfɔ:m]n. 1) 站台,月台  2) 讲台,舞台
have [hæv]vt. 1) 有,持有  2) 吃,喝, 抽(烟)  3) 患病,出现(某症状)
dream [dri:m]n. 1) 梦想;愿望;理想  2) 梦; 睡梦
practical ['præktikl]a. 1) 实际的,真实的,客观存在的  2) (想法、方法或行动)切实可行的
romance [rәu'mæns]n. 1) (通常指短暂的)浪漫史,爱情关系,风流韵事  2) 恋爱,爱情


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